Our laboratory instrument services are designed to provide high-quality and reliable instruments to our customers for a variety of research and development activities. We are providing the Electronics Instruments for the department of PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, and ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY.
Our Company is associated with OMEGA,ELECTRONICS INDIA,REMI,MARS, LAFCO, ORANGE, ASICO instruments Brand.
We are also supplying Instruments to medical, pharmaceutical colleges.
We are authorized Dealer of Electronics India for the Department of Chemistry.
Categorify of instruments:
- Blood Testing Instruments
- All types of Spectrophotometers
- Electrochemistry Instruments
- Pharmaceutical Instruments
- Flame photometer
- Water and soil Analysis Kit
We are authorized Dealer of OMEGA ELECTRONICS for the Department of Physics.
Category of Product:
- Experimental Tanning Board
- Bread Board
- Communication Trains
- Component Display Board
- Computer Interface Trainer
- Decode Resistance, condenser & inductance boxer (R,L,C)
- Demonstration Board (DB Series)
- Digital Electronics Lab
- Education Wall Chart
- Fiber optics Trainers (FO Series)
- Individual Items for Practical Physics
- Instrumentation and control Trainer (ICT Series)